Prices at 2022
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy sessions last about 60 minutes. They usually take place every two weeks with some reading /work in between.
Offered online
Individual sessions £40
Under 16 £35
Relationship Therapy
(Working with couples)
Sometimes relationships struggle and breakdown. Often the situation can recover with the support of couples therapy. Session may be working together or on individual issues
Offered online
is £40
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
This is a technique which uses the natural processes of the body to process difficult emotions and memories. It can be used alone or as part of a more comprehensive therapeutic programme. Sessions may last 90 minutes
Session Cost £60
Supervision is approximately 90 minutes every 4 to 6 weeks. However the length and timing of the session is determined by the needs of the supervisee.
Offered online
Supervision cost per session is £40